Shandong Development & Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd. Granted AAA in Corporate Credit Rating

Category:Group News         Release Time:2019-09-18         Number of Browse:0

Recently, United Credit Ratings Co., Ltd., a domestic well-known credit rating agency, released a Corporate Credit Rating Report of Shandong Development & Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd after conducting on-the-spot survey, in-depth investigation and careful analysis of the Company, which granted the Company the highest credit rating AAA in a domestic open market, and the rating outlook is “stable”.

The fact that the Company won the highest credit rating in the domestic open market when it was rated for the first time reflects the high recognition of the rating company for the comprehensive strength in terms of capital strength, management level and solvency of the Company, which is conducive for the Company to establish brand image, reduce financing costs and broaden direct financing channels, give play to the role of provincial-jurisdiction functional state-owned enterprise, and make greater contributions to the economic development of Shandong.

Shandong Development Investment Holding Group co.,Ltd      Copyright 2019 All rights reserved      Lu ICP, No. 16018610

Address: 39F, 5th Block, A3, Hanyu Jingu, Jinan City, Shandong Province